Location: Romania
Client: EBRD/RAT Brasov
Duration: June 2015 – July 2015
Partners: GSTC Limited
Origin of funding: EBRD

The City and RAT Brasov have requested support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “EBRD” or “Bank”) to finance the modernisation of RAT Brasov’s vehicle fleet, combined with further commercialisation of the Company’s activities. The Company will modernise its fleet by purchasing 85 low-entry EURO-6 buses and 10 low-entry trolleybuses, as well the related spare parts and services.

  • Identify existing and Project-related environmental and social impacts and risks;
  • Describe and characterise a relevant environmental and social baseline commensurate with the risks posed by the current site operations and the Project;
  • Carry out E&S Assessment and Audit
  • Prepare a draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan, draft Environmental and Social Action Plan, and draft Non-Technical Summary;
  • Finalise all documentation further to the EBRD, other lenders’ (if involved) and Client’s comments.
Environmental consultancy projects